A regular week ending in a weekend away.
- prepared and did the second ‘Networking 101’ session, our internal course on networking
- discussed creating a ‘digital garden’ as collective memory for our company with E
- discussed finding additional board members for the NGO I chair
- worked on digital transformation for a client, designed a brief assessment and intake process for internal projects
- weekly team meeting with the same client
- brainstorm for new ideas to incorporate into the new Dutch Open Government Parternship action plan for 2021-2022
- worked a morning in Amsterdam with the new director of the NGO I chair
- weekly call with a client discussing implementing a data publishing platform
- for the first time since late December did not have the weekly team call for the EU high value data study
- closed my Slideshare account after 13 years
- went to the theater with E
- drove to Limburg in the south of the Netherlands for a long weekend. Had ao lunch in Maastricht and walked through the hills around Heerlen
A hidden pleasant terrace at the old city walls, on the banks of the Meuse
Imstenrader woods, near a farm built on the fundaments of a Roman villa
Quite a few badger castles in the woods. I had never seen them before.
I’ve been finding Bill Seitz’ wiki a trove of interesting thoughts on wikis lately – his page on TeamWiki’s might be of interest re: the company digital garden you mentioned: http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/TeamWiki