Bookmarked How to read ebooks purchased from Kobo on a Kindle (by Jeremy Felt)

I’ve bought Dutch e-books that I can then only read through Adobe’s user unfriendly silo software on my computer. Recently bought a rather expensive academic work because it was cheaper buying directly from the source than on Amazon, only to find out I couldn’t comfortably read without buying another e-reader. It seems to me many authors don’t realise what crap publishers and vendors make readers deal with, yet likely wonder why their work isn’t picked up as much.

So this checklist comes in handy. Thanks to Jeremy for posting it. Most elements I already have (if you don’t use Calibre yet, install it, it’s a great tool), except for the mentioned Calibre plugin.

I’ll feel comfortable —legally and ethically— following these instructions every time I forget what I had to do the last time to read an EPUB I purchased. So here’s how to remove the DRM on an ebook purchased from Kobo (or elsewhere) so that it can be read on a Kindle.

Jeremy Felt

One reaction on “

  1. @ton I’ve had an encounter with Adobe Digital Editions, and I ended up breaking the DRM and converting it to a regular PDF. The majority of my ebooks are PDF, with a small number of Amazon Kindle titles and a tiny number of Apple Books. It’s easy to kid yourself that you’re helping the environment by buying ebooks, but increasingly I find that the benefits have reduced considerably over the years.

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