Bookmarked UK investment in NL since 2016 on the rise, NL investment in UK in decline (by CBS)

The much sought after ‘Brexit Dividend’ according to the Dutch national statistics office CBS is working out a bit different than expected by some it seems.

Dutch investment per year in the UK since the referendum by internationally operating companies (those creating subsidiaries in another country), went from 50 billion Euro in 2016 (then representing 182.000 UK jobs), to 35 billion in 2017, to minus 11 billion in 2018. So it dropped 30% in the first year after the referendum and then turned to actual des-investment last year. Vice versa it is the other way around. UK investment into the Netherlands (again, what’s looked at here is companies creating subsidiaries in another country) was 14 billion Euro in 2016, grew to 35 billion Euro in 2017, and then jumped to 80 billion Euro in 2018.

Source Dutch National Bank, image Dutch Statistics Office

De stroom aan Britse investeringen die jaarlijks Nederland binnenkomen zijn sinds het Brexit-referendum in 2016 aanzienlijk toegenomen. Van 14 miljard in 2016 naar meer dan een verdubbeling in 2017 tot 80 miljard in 2018.