A regular week where I

  • Did a session for an (open) data experiment around targeting micro subsidies for energy transition for the relatively energy poor (households that will never have the means to adapt their houses, although they own their homes.)
  • Collated notes of last weeks stakeholder mapping workshops
  • Did Q1 bookkeeping and VAT returns
  • Discussed the ins and outs of goose hunting and consumption
  • Held an office warming with our company
  • Did a session with Elmine and my colleague Bart on the internal and external communications tactics of my company.
  • Installed NextCloud for our company, and started running a Rocket chat server as Slack replacement. By the end of coming week I hope to have both of them fully operational.
  • Did some preparations for the upcoming IndieWebCamp Utrecht. Registration is still open for this 18/19th May event I am organising with Frank Meeuwsen.

18, photo by Dwayne Madden, license CC-BY