The final work week of this year. Next week will be focused on family and Christmas, before celebrating the new year with dear friends. Regular blogging will recommence in week 2 of 2019.
This week I
- Discussed the first results of a data governance improvement project with the client
- Worked on data governance process design, based on those first results
- Presented the results of a recently delivered provincial open data project to a wider group of their internal stakeholders
- Worked on a transparency measurement framework
- Did the income tax submissions for both my and Elmine’s business for 2017, a full 63 minutes before the deadline 😉
- Worked on a project proposal for a client in 2019
- Took up some first tasks in my new role as chairman of the Open State Foundation
- Did most of the planning for the first 3 months of 2019, and reflected on how things went the last year
- Had a board meeting of the association Open Nederland, the Dutch Creative Commons chapter
- Lined up some conversations with potential clients for January
- Had the end-of-year dinner with our company, and the people we collaborated with this year
- Picked up our ‘adopted’ Christmas tree (it’s the same tree as last year, which is then returned to the grower, who puts it back into the ground and takes care of it, until we pick it up again next year).
A final 2018 posting, the traditional ‘Tadaa’ posting of the year in review I’ll publish end of next week.
See you in the new year!