With WordPress 5.0 Gutenberg now launched, I think I will wait until the dust settles a little bit. I’m not encouraged by Matt’s State of the Word talk, in which he said ‘get deeper into Javascript’. I’d rather not actually. Most of the few plugins I use haven’t been updated to WP5 yet, and some of its authors write how Gutenberg breaks them. Also there’s still some bugs being ironed out. For now I’ll stick with WP4, until I see more confident reviews. Currently, searches for WP alternatives, calling WP’s new course Dreamweaver, quirks, and bugs, do not inspire that confidence. And already earlier this year there was the discussion of the total lack of accessibility efforts.
There is a fork, ClassicPress, already. I may spin up a VPS this weekend and try it out.
Replied to Sticking With WP 4.x For Now by Ton Zijlstra (Interdependent Thoughts)
Well, that ‘for now’ was rather short lived. Thinking I was updating a plugin, I accidentally pushed the button to update WP itself. So now I’m at WP5 regardless of my original intentions. Quickly installed the classic editor. My site still works it seems, but it might be some of the plugins actually now don’t. Hopefully I’ll be able to sort things out.