Some links I thought worth reading the past few days
- A brief overview of how the GDPR and EU PSI-Directive interplay : The PSI directive and GDPR – European Data Portal
- Some discussion on how blockchain and GDPR go together. Says it’s not about the tech but about use case implementation. That emphasises my position that GDPR is a quality assurance tool, not a gate with a sign ‘forbidden’ : EU Blockchain Forum says blockchain, GDPR compatible – Ledger Insights
- A statement like “Therefore, our primary focus is to get millions of Q members registered” makes this initiative sound very spammy and pyramid like, banking like they do on FOMO. Having everyone wait for whatever they plan until they have millions of users is an odd way of getting those users. Why not have something of value now, so that it brings users in? Anyway I have an account, and you are invited. More info on: Initiative Q
- An old posting, although still worth reading (about the need for your own webspace if only to tinker) mostly bookmarked because of the still very useful video of Amber Case outlining the reasoning behind the IndieWeb (independent web): The IndieWeb, Revolution, and Other Reasons You Should Learn to Code
- In terms of privacy it really is not a good idea to use smart home devices that have a centralised web service / data store behind them: Smart Home Surveillance: Governments Tell Google’s Nest To Hand Over Data 300 Times
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