Who of you would want to try out Mastodon as an alternative to Twitter or Facebook? Would it help if I offer you a place to try it out? On my own instance, or rather a small group instance? Would you want to find a small group instance near you / around an interest you have? Do you have questions I can help with? See Sandro Hawke’s suggestion to do a once a month push for why I am asking, and this blogpost for why I think driving adoption from the edge matters.

3 reactions on “

  1. This is a great move, and one that I’ve thought about in the context of moving to get non-profit advocacy and cultural organizations weaned from using Facebook as their de facto web presence.

    It’s not really fair for me to ask these organizations to quit Facebook if I don’t offer guidance and support in developing alternatives. In this regard, I also think that the notion of a “community instance” for Mastodon is a good model for a “community web coop,” wherein members could get together to share costs and maintenance duties.

    • Yes to “I also think that the notion of a “community instance” for Mastodon is a good model for a “community web coop,”. Very much so.

  2. rather not, because the worth of twitter lies for me in being embedded in a rich, vast & vibrant micro-web. (i would move, if i would not have to renounce this experience.)

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