We spent a lovely day in sunny Breda today at the BredaPhoto Festival, titled To Infinity and Beyond. The weather was perfect and we had lunch outside even.

Some images.

BredaPhoto BredaPhoto
Walking through Breda

BredaPhoto BredaPhoto
Work by Kenta Cobayashi (festival page)

The artist and someone else’s work. (video interview with Jeroen Bocken, work on the wall by Maija Tammi

Three data visualisations photographed by Jos Jansen: Criminal relationship network (University of Amsterdam), Lidar images of trees (University of Amsterdam), Probability function of the Higgs Boson (NIKHEF).

Pictures of Aldermen of medium sized cities, with grey buzz cuts…Jan Dirk van der Burg serialises photos found online into weird patterns and categories.

Image deemed controversial by Iran’s ministry for culture. From the Qajar series by Shadi Ghadirian

BredaPhoto BredaPhotoAntony Cairns, IBM CTY1, city photos on IBM punch cards.

Open after 8:00, close before 17:00. Note on a door at Breda city archive.

Empty lunch cafe in Breda city center, as everyone was outside enjoying the sun.

We had a good day, but I found the photo festival lacking cohesion and a narrative, binding it all into the theme To Infinity and Beyond.

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