This week completes the first half of 2018. Which really is a bit of a shock, as it means the next two months will be mostly about enjoying the summer, while summer still felt a long way of. That summer will end with Elmine’s birthday unconference and bbq, SSTM18, on August 31st and September 1st.

Overall I feel I had a pleasant first half of 2018, mostly unhurried in the way I aimed for. That has created lots of headspace, visible from both my reading and writing pace the last 6 months, and judging by the amount of time I have been able to spend with Y and E.

This week I worked on

  • A range of interviews for a project with the Province of North-Holland
  • A session with the Province of South-Holland, planning our work for the next months together with the team and the client
  • Writing my report for the Serbian open data impact assessment
  • Discussed the final steps in the Serbian project with the team and the UNDP
  • The design for SSTM18
  • Adapting the planning for a project in Malaysia, incorporating the final client feedback
  • Planning for a dear friend’s wedding mid-August in Italy
  • Following the IndieWeb Summit 2018 in Portland online