This week was another unhurried one, although I’m left with some sense of urgency as I didn’t do all I wanted to focus on.

  • Received a request for a new project offer, for a provincial government, and worked on the offer
  • Worked on the Serbian open data impact study
  • Conversations with several leads and network partners to discuss our respective views on what lies ahead
  • Planned some more conversations like that
  • Repopulated my RSS reader to improve my information diet
  • Enjoyed working outside in the beautiful weather, as well hanging out in the garden with the little one
  • Visited the Big Data Festival, organized by a Dutch Ministry, where I
    mostly valued a session on ethics
  • Blogged a lot, read a lot
  • Visited the local FabLab to fix the humidity sensor on my Measure Your City sensor hub, and attended an interesting presentation there by the national government institute for health and environment (RIVM) on particulate matter pollution measurements from fireworks around New Year’s Eve, using a partly citizen generated sensor network