A week with travel, and mostly spent in Belgrade, yet unhurried.

  • Early Monday morning flight to Belgrade, preparing my panel remarks en route. It was good to be back in Belgrade and meet again with my local UNDP and government colleagues
  • Planning session for a ex-ante open data impact assessment with Serbian colleague Vid
  • Panel contributions at opening conference of Serbian open data week
  • Doing an impromptu unconference session on local stakeholders engagement for open data at Startit coworking space in Belgrade
  • Thinking about whether or not to do a project that doesn’t pay enough, but is interesting in terms of learning and new partners
  • Preparing my talk for OpenBelgium coming Monday
  • Getting the flyers printed for the Open Belgium conference coming Monday, as my company The Green Land is a partner of the event
  • Travel to Louvain-la-Neuve in Belgium, and meet-up with all 8 of our current The Green Land colleagues for drinks and food, before the Open Belgium conference.