In the context of the collaborative production in eGovernment study (more information on that a consortium I am part of is carrying out for the European Commission, we have prepared an online survey that is focused on innovators – initiators and evangelists of collaborative online services delivery, people who are improving public services “from the outside”. By collaborative production we mean services that engage citizens/civic associations/businesses in the design, delivery and evaluation of public services, irrespective of the service provider (government, civil society or business).
We are very interested in your views on drivers, barriers and impact of collaborative production, and hope you are willing to take part in our survey.
We would also appreciate if you could spread the information about the survey in your networks.
At I have been collecting examples of collaborative e-government services, and am still adding more. I will also publish there descriptions for each EU Member State concerning these services. You are most welcome to also add your own examples. Please use the form on the website for that.
Below is a map of the over 100 examples of collaborative e-gov services collected so far.