WCIT 2010 logoAt the end of this month the WCIT 2010 world congress on IT will take place. I heard it describe as ‘the Olymp of IT worldwide’, and this is the 17th edition, but I never heard of it before.
This time it is taking place in Amsterdam, and a lot of money and energy is being spend by the Dutch government to make the conference happen. There is a declaration to be adopted by all companies and governments taking part in the conference, called the Declaration of Amsterdam (PDF).
In this declaration goals are formulated that the cosigning partners should strive to reach. These goals apply to the role of ICT:

  • effectively regenerating economic growth and stimulating sustainable economic development,
  • substantially improving energy efficiency, decreasing energy consumption and reducing production of greenhouse gases,
  • significantly improving the quality of life and enhancing trust and confidence,
  • constructively exploiting opportunities from globalisation.
    David Osimo (one of the people behind the Open Declaration for eGov in the EU) and I got hired to help create some interaction around the Declaration of Amsterdam. Because it is one thing to sign a declaration, it is another to actually come up with actions that help reach the formulated goals.
    So participants to the conference contribute projects that address one or more of the four goals of the Declaration of Amsterdam.
    Now, I think, this is a chance to add any contributions you may have that are certainly off the radar to the companies and governments participating in the conference. We know incumbents are very bad at coming up with disruptive things, even if they want to, because their structure prohibits them from perceiving them as opportunities as well as from implementing them. When you have ambitions as the ones implied in the Declaration of Amsterdam, you have to find a way around that innovator’s dilemma.
    This is where you come in. I invite you to contribute, in one or both of the following two ways:

  • Read the Declaration of Amsterdam, and comment on its contents. Not to alter the declaration, but to comment on what you think should happen.
  • Add inspiring projects (adding form) that you are aware of, that can contribute towards the goals of the Declaration of Amsterdam. As I said, this is also your opportunity to showcase things you think are well of the radar of the conference participants.
    You can do that by following the links I mentioned just now, leave your comment under this posting, or drop me an e-mail with your reactions. All comments and projects will be discussed and added to the declaration at the conference.