On the initiative of Stephanie Booth, on May 16th a one-day conference for freelancers will take place in Lausanne in Switzerland. I would like to go, but already have family obligations elsewhere. The conference is called Going Solo.
The day focuses on what it actually takes to work as an independent, operating in a network of your peers. What it means to be independent in a connected world (which I have been calling interdependent since I started this blog)
Different people like Stephanie herself, our friend Martin Roell, the fun and challenging Stowe Boyd, and Suw Charman, will share their experiences. Since June last year on a little list for independent social software consultants in Europe we have been exchanging these experiences, and those have been very worthwile conversations. It helped me a lot in taking the step to going solo, as I did last month. So I am sure the conference will be worth a visit.
Going solo, or already went solo? See if you can add Lausanne to your schedule in May.
(See Upcoming and Facebook as well)

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