For a presentation on on-line networking, which I described as just being visible on-line and connected while doing your work, I compiled a list of places I share digital traces.
I thought to post it here just as a reminder of how long the list is.

Blog, what I think about
Jaiku, what I am doing
Twitter, what I say I am doing
Plazes, where I am and where I was
Dopplr, where I will be
Flickr, what I see
delicious, what I read
Wakoopa, what software I use
Slideshare, what I talk about
Upcoming, where I will attend, what I listen to
and then there is my LinkedIn, my Facebook, my Xing, my Hyves, my NING, and my collaborative tools MindMeister, Thinkfold, and Googledocs.

These are the tools I actually use.
There’s a truck-load of other stuff, like e.g. 43People, 43 Places and 43Things I’m in, but don’t use much or not at all, or have forgotten about completely (Orkut? Ryze?).

(Linky Thinking by Roland Tanglao, public domain)

11 reactions on “The Long List of My Distributed Self

  1. Twitter, Places, and Skype need to merge. I want to be able to just write where I am and what I say Im doing in the same place, so that contacts can see it before they call or contact me directly. all these services, most of which I use, will one day be laughed at because we took so much time for each one.

  2. That list is a good datapoint for several measures.
    …how far web 2.0 has gone in a very short while
    …the tension between geolocation and nonlocation
    …the productive value of open services and content

  3. I think so too Bryan. Sometimes we forget to simply show what we use to see the patterns.

  4. In general interoperability between all the tools is a big issue. I see all these tools a channels, and it should be simple to switch/combine channels etc. without needing to repeat all kinds of different social data points.

  5. Ton, What thinking have you done on consolidating these life elements. Have you looked at integrating them in your blog feed. If so, how do you control the weighting or provided options for readers to subscribe to what they want?

  6. Hi Stuart,
    I must say I haven’t really put much conscious thought into that, but I do have some sort of routine here.
    Part of the list in the posting is generally public, part of the list is for contacts only.
    The public streams are pretty much integrated in my blog, though not in the feed.
    My blogpostings have the latest Flickr image in the side bar, my Plazes location is shown on the blog (not in the feed) and in Skype. Slideshare presentations I usually embed in a blog item where appropiate. My bookmarks are also shown on my blog (though not as postings showing up in the feed).
    The non-public streams like Jaiku, Twitter, Dopplr I usually don’t reference. I assume people will look for me on those services if they’ve met me and think it worthwile to connect.
    All in all I keep all channels in their respective feeds, allowing others to decide what to subscribe to. I do think it is pretty easy though from my blog find out about the other feeds that might be of interest to others.
    If my blog were smart enough to accomodate for different circles of social distance then I think it would become interesting to incorporate more into it.

  7. Proven Partners Seminar Web 2.0

    Homo Zappiens: Aan het werk! Dat is de titel van een seminar dat ik met Proven Partners organiseer. Een dag lang duiken we in de vragen en gevolgen van social media voor het werken en ontwikkelen in organisaties. Hoe passen…

  8. Hey,
    finally I found again this post!
    This started me thinking a lot. At some point I produced a graph with my own distribution of tools, as they are _currently_ mapping my behavioural boundaries.
    But the thing that always amuses me is how this map changes over time! Every time a new app is released, or maybe with the waning and waxing of the moon, I find myself spending more time with one tool rather then the other, or moving the definition of what is “reference” and what “opinions”…

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