Reboot is over, and am now in need of some serious down time.
Thomas had been afraid up front to not live up to expectations after the tremendous event we had last year. He did not have to be. Yes, it was a different event from last year. The world is different from last year. We are different from last year.
We had a different mix of people, different spectrum of topics, different conversations. Reboot was very much the same however in certain aspects: inspiring, challenging, fun, professional, interactive, deeply social, very real and about humans, not technology as such. And these were the aspects that made Reboot so good last year.
Meeting up with old friends, some for the first time. And in this day and age that thankfully is no longer a contradiction. Meeting up with new people, some not for the first time (oh that is you that writes
The children and baby’s present in the audience. Keeps you connected, keeps you sane. All ‘real’ business conferences should have them mandatory. CEO’s: bring your family. If you learn one thing from the Danes, let it be the way they let their children really be part of all aspects of their life.
I did what I promised myself last year, be part of the programme, and found myself lucky to do that with Lee Bryant of the brilliant Headshift company, and Martin Roell. I also became part of the programme ad hoc by doing a session with Frank Meeuwsen. He made my day by the energy and inspiration he found for himself when he realized he could turn his criticism on a presentation into something constructive by voicing it and doing a session himself and add to the dialog that way.
The boat ride the evening before, the two days that were as socially relaxing as can be and at the same time tremendously intense to the point of exhaustion. The great atmosphere during the after conference dinner with 25 others, mostly new faces again, that triggered even more thoughts ideas, and even concrete steps to take.
The after party at club Rust, where I summarized everything in a simple “Good show” when I patted Thomas on his shoulder. Thanks to him and all volunteers and supporting companies for making it happen once more.
And on top of all that I got to share yet another conference with Elmine. Both working on our own stuff, doing our own thing, but able to share the same context and energy this created.
On the way to the after party, someone asked me what I like to do in my spare time:

Thomas and his wife during the boat trip. Making one more Reboot happen. Photo by Jarkko, license CC BY.
Nice to see I made your day. It was so much fun to talk, plan, wiki and do that afternoon. Indeed full of energy and it made my Rebooting much more intense than I thought possible. Next up is some Pecha Kucha at Rhinofly!
Hey Ton, nice to meet you at Reboot, only pity was that we only got to chat on the last night with that never ending bottle of wine.
You know what I remember and enjoyed about you the most? The fact that you ORGANISED! Thank you for that. As one who always gets lumped with sorting bills out, hassling waitors, etc. it was real nice to sit back, sip, and relax!
See you next year. And you know – if you or Elmine find yourselves in Dublin, look us up.