In recent weeks I have been playing around with additional tools to enhance the mix of media I have at my disposal when using the internet.
Of course my blog has been there for a while already, as has VoIP (Skype), but now I have added two Wiki’s (one public, one private), Yahoo and MSN IM (After having left using IRC behind 10 years ago as mere play. Also I couldn’t get Jabber to work properly, which would be able to combine most other IM services in 1), and a webcam to my ‘arsenal’.
All this was triggered by conversations about presence and use of media.
It started with a Skype conversation with Stuart Henshall, which I described to Dina Mehta as:
One or two days ago I skyped with Stuart. While we talked we looked at my blog, I send him links through the chatbox, we edited a page in my Wiki, and visited several websites together. Just as you would in a f2f conversation, pick a book from the shelf and read a passage from it, point to or leaf through a stack of papers on the desk, and jointly doodle on the whiteboard, referring to a presentation poster hanging in the corridor.
Dina expressed her wish to be able to create a flow between the different media we use. This requires an elegant combination of media. Dave Pollard however correctly offers that we still shirk using the media at our proposal, much less combine them effectively, and if we do use them in parallel, there is at least at first a quite distinct feeling of awkwardness involved. Dave asks: how come we have not found work-arounds that yet.
Jon Husband of Wirearchy sums up our challenge quite nicely and says we have to learn how to deal with presence in on-line settings.
These three topics, presence, media mix, and awkwardness are the subject of the next paragraphs.
Presence is Key
As knowledgeworkers we have several issues that make on-line presence key. First, there is a tremendous need to communicate. To test and share ideas, to learn through interaction with others, to make your expertise known. In earlier centuries knowledge workers travelled from university to university, and from monastery to monastery, and the intensive correspondence of great scientists in the early part of the twentieth century served the same need. There has been always a network of people, that crossed over political and cultural boundaries, sharing knowledge and collaborating on journeys of learning. In our times the means to do that have increased enormously, and the number of people with opportunity to use those means have increased at the same rate. We need to create a presence in those media we use as best as we can, to help satisfy our immense need for communication.
There are several approaches to presence through media. An article by Matthew Lombard and Theresa Ditton from Temple University names six of those approaches:
- Presence as Social Richness
- Presence as Realism
- Presence as Transportation
- Presence as Immersion
- Presence as Social Actor within Medium
- Presence as Medium as Social Actor
I think of those six three are most relevant to our on-line interaction. Those three are, presence as social richness, presence as transportation, and presence as immersion.
Social Richness points to the number of cues we get from a medium, and relates to the Media Richness theory, that combines it with the medium’s characteristics.
Presence as Transportation looks at what the medium does, does it transport you to somewhere (for instance a fantasy novel that brings you to another world), does it bring something to you (like newsbulletins that bring the world to your doorstep), or does it create a place where people come together. It is the last version that is most relevant to knowledge workers; bringing people together for interaction, but both others are part of the picture as well.
Presence as Immersion has to do with how much of you is involved in the communication through a medium. This closely connects to Flemmings posting about being in the here and now. Does a medium succeed in letting you concentrate entirely on it, or does it allow for distractions etc.
As Elmine alludes in her recent writings on how media facilitate for conversation and discourse:
no single medium can offer a platform for discourse, so weblogs as a sole medium can’t be seen as discourse. Rather, weblogs are a very good startingpoint for discourse. The weblog can serve as a filter for getting to know people who are interested in the same things. Through weblogs one can have conversations with ‘self’ and (preferably) others. These conversations can transcend into discourse when people start using multiple communication tools simultaneously (VoIP, chat, forum, e-mail, wiki, webcam etc.), and ultimately start meeting eachother face-to-face.
If no single medium can satisfy all our requirements to reach a high level of presence, that can cater for our need for discourse, than we need a mix of media to compensate for the shortcomings of any one medium in that mix. Elmine, in my view rightly, suggests that a blog is a very good starting point to present the available media mix to potential conversation and discourse partners. It serves as a fixed marker, that contains enough context to build trust and start a relationship through conversation. It also allows you to provide access to other media (e-mail, wiki, Skype, IM, video, documents etc., contact info for face to face) that can build on the conversations started at the weblog, but in themselves are more fluid which makes using them as a permanent marker less useful. Weblogs are much richer fixed markers as for instance profiles at fora, or YASN’s, since they are fixed markers in location, but not fixed in content. Our weblog can serve as our Personal Presence Portal, the hub in our communicational flow.
Media Mix
What a lot of us try to do either with blogs or through a wiki, or whatever other medium we use on-line, is to open up space for conversation, dialogue, discussion, and discourse. We tend to bet everything on one horse though, expecting (and often evangelizing as well) that all our needs are served by one medium. Every medium has aspects that serve our purposes well. Blogs create context and thus help build trust, wiki’s open up possibilities of collaboration, fora cater to discussions, e-mail to extended conversations, etc. etc. But as I argued in the previous paragraphs, a mix of media is needed to cater to the different factors in building a sense of presence.
In the following table I try to connect the different media to the different aspects of presence. For this I also refer to this piece by Dave Pollard, and this one by Zbigniew Lukasiak
[NOTE: I will add in the table with media later on. No time to do it now, but did not want to wait with posting either, so read the text first, you can do without the table for now]
If we know, and I think, intuitively we all do, that it’s a mix of media that serves us best, then why don’t we exploit such a mix to it’s utmost limits?
Dave Pollard, somewhat in frustration, asks why it often feels so awkward to start using different media with other people. And apparantly it is this awkwardness that keeps us from using the full mix of media at our disposal.
The awkwardness we feel stems from the difference in richness of media, I think. When I move on from a text based medium like blogs or e-mail to a voice oriented medium, the information richness increases. We get to know more about eachother, but requires that we show ourselves a bit more as well. This might not be a conscious thing, who explicitly is aware that our voice gives away more clues as to who we are then our written words. And when you switch media, you don’t know if the other will be welcoming the attempt.
Now when you meet someone in person, there is that same awkwardness, but it is dealt with more or less unconsciously by us. When I picked up Jon Husband, or Flemming Funch from the railway station when they came to stay with us, it was strange to meet a stranger, based on blog-interaction and some short phone calls confirming times of arrival. But our bodies deal with that awkwardness. We look around uncertainly for the other, whom we don’t know, then we smile to test whether we found the right person, and we greet eachother. We see eachothers uneasy start, and perceive we are on equal footing in this social interaction. Then the conversation starts, and we manage past the awkwardness.
Stepping ‘down’ from a face to face meeting to other media is no problem. But stepping ‘up’ without previous personal encounters is more difficult: we do not see our own awkwardness reflected in the other’s body language. To get across it we have to make our awkwardness explicit, since we have no backchannel to deal with it in a more unconscious way.
So to end the awkwardness we might learn to say it out loud during a first video conference, or first skype-call, that it is awkward but exciting at the same time. And that will then launch us into conversation, is my guess.
Not so awkward … your post tends towards excellence.
Thanks, Ton for this thinking.
Verschärfstes Metablogging
Ton Zijlstra hat einen sehr sch � nen Artikel geschrieben, der in eine Richtung lenkt, � ber die
ich seit einigen Tagen auch nachdenke: Blog as Personal Presence Portal. � Blogs create
context and thus help build trust, wiki’s open up possibilities owe…
Also see:
Flemming Funch on this
Blog as Personal Presence Portal
Ton talks about the Blog as a Personal Presence Portal, which I think is a very useful way of looking at it…
The awkwardness you feel when you use a new media, is the same awkwardness or anxiety you feel when you learn something brand new, particularly when you have no prior concepts that can be related to the new ones.
This stems from the psychological state transitions we go through when we learn new things:
0. Unconcious, unknowing
1. Concious, unknowing
2. Concious, knowing
3. Unconcious, knowing
Moving from state 0 to 1 is where we feel incompetent, anxious, awkward.
Advanced organizers might take care of this. They are documents intended to transition us to the new by allowing us to build a transitional bridge between what we know and what we don’t.
Here we would write a document to transition a user of web-based forums to a blog, or an email newsgroup user to a wiki. The advanced organizers would cover how to post, what the culural constraints are, how to introduce yourself to the community members, and such.
Inductive content and the Socratic Method may also reduce this awkwardness. The content would be the same as in the advance organizers.
This is a very important point, and well-articulated. I’m going to blog about it on Friday. Glad to see Jon getting some much-deserved credit for being the ‘pollinating bee’, or as Gladwell would put it the ‘connector’, in some brilliant and profound ideas about information and communication.
Blogs als Personal Presence Portal
Gestern nach (viel zu) langer Zeit (Schande ueber mein Haupt) mal wieder bei Ton Ziljstra’s Interdependent Thoughts vorbeigeschaut und reichlich Gedankenfutter gefunden. Unter anderem einen wie immer hochklassigen Artikel zur kuenftigen Rolle von Blo…
Hi Ton, excellent and thought provoking post – as usual from you. I would like to point out, that the function of a blog as a vehicle for building trust and a kind of relationship even before meeting someone in person is already well established in the real world – at least in some communities. The New York Times ran an article some months ago about Blogging Kids in New York, where one boy stated that he regulary checked the blogs of other kids before getting in close contact. He said (if I remember it right, could not find the article just now), he did it to check if they were interesting or at least kind of ‘compatible’.
Obviously, this is not an argument against your suggestion of Blogs as Personal Presence Portals but, on the contrary, a hint that this development already is on its way.
One issue remaining with a Blog as a vehicle for building trust is honesty, though. It is much easier to fake a persona (maybe even unwillingly, subconsciously) than in ‘real’ personal conversation. Sometimes it may even be necessary to omit some aspects of my real persona in the online version. See Volker Webers excellent post on this ( ‘You may know vowe, but you don?t know Volker’.
Maybe not a big issue but one that has to be taken into account on both sides of the conversation.
T on Zijlstra is on to something .
Personal Presense Portals
Ton Zylstra’s got a coolio rap on the future of blogging and what he called Personal Presense Portals. Which kind of brings up Attention.xml and MeNow – but I won’t go there – now. I met Ton in Amsterdam – I just love his faceroll on his page. Needless…
Blog is a four letter word
These social technologies are great. Blogs, wikis, and whatever else may come; but a word doesn’t really cap
Blog as Personal Presence Portal
Op de site van Ton Zijlstra staat een interessant artikel waar hij onder meer beschrijft hoe een weblog een centrale plek kan innemen in iemands online aanwezigheid. Dit is een interessant gegeven in de context van het toenemend gebruik van…
Microcontent en open standaarden nodig tegen informatieoverload
Afgelopen vrijdag at ik een hapje met een groep interessante mensen, op initiatief van Marc Canter. Hij maakt zich al jaren sterk voor het toegankelijk maken van zgn. microcontent via open standaarden en interfaces. Een notie die altijd goed heeft…