After writing this blog at Blogspot for 6 months now, I have found that it increasingly bothers me not to have personal control over content and comments and being dependent on third party services, that sometimes proof unreliable. Not really surprising since these are all free services.
Since I think the experimental phase of my blog is now over, in the sense that blogging has become part of my regular activities, I have decided it is time to take things into my own hand. For that I am now configuring Moveable Type on my home based server, and have bought two domain names.
I could not choose between the two, so I took both. The first is, which I took because it is nice to have a domain featuring my own name. (it’s a .org because all others are taken, also my name is spelled with ij in stead of y, but that has proven to be too difficult for non-Dutch.) The other is since I think Interdependent Thoughts is a good name for a blog, and sort has become a brand in that respect. However Interdependentthoughts is probably not so attractive, thus I decided for The .biz again because all others had been taken. What do you think about these domain names?
In the coming days I will move everything from this blog to the new server, and then stop using Blogger. I will not take Blogger of line in order not to let all the references rot. Maybe I’ll rewrite the Archive pages to point to the new site, but that is not on my list of priorities now.