Last tended on 18 June, 2014 (first created 31 May, 2014)

Making stuff that matters is the theme for the day. Now, that doesn’t mean we will be building solutions to all the world’s main problems (we’ll save that for the BBQ the day after 😉 ) But we will aim for things that matter to you. And above all we will aim to have fun, and to make sure we all get excited about ‚making’.

We’ll have a range of machines available (laser cutters, 3d printers, milling machine, micro-electronics), and we are especially pleased that the mobile FabLab of the Provincial Library Fryslan will be parked in front of our home for two whole days! An instructor will be there as well to teach you how to operate the machines yourself. See for more about the mobile FabLab.

During the day we will be working in teams to create things together, following a process we have designed. At two points during the day we will have a short round of presentations. Some of you have indicated you have a story to tell, and we of course want to create the possibility for you to do that. If you have a story you want to share, do let us know, and we will aim to make you part of the program. We have space for about 6 such stories, and 2 of those slots are currently filled.

The general program for Friday 20 June is:

09:00 Door open, coffee/tea
10:00 Opening, welcome
10:15 Introductions & first making round (break at 11:00)
12:00 1st talks round
Keith Andrews on data visualization,
Martijn van der Veen on privacy,

12:30 Lunch

13:30 second making round (break at 14:15)
15:15 2nd talks round
Pim Boers on information design
Oliver Rukavina (13) on 3D printing from Minecraft
TBA (possibly Ton on easy steps for online privacy)
15:45 third making round (break at 16:30)
17:15 group result presentations

18:00 Thank you, closing remarks
18:15 Drinks,
19:00 Chinese & Indonesian buffet dinner, drinks
21:00 End

During the day we will make sure there are plenty of refreshments, coffee, tea, water and soft drinks throughout. Lunch will be served, offering a wide variety of foods, to please everyone’s palate and diet.

The program for Saturday, the BBQ, is from 15:00 onwards. All machines will still be available for you to use, all results of Friday will be on display.

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