We arranged a standing desk. As Elmine and I differ in height, and both want to use the standing desk, we got an electronic one so we can adjust the height with the touch of a finger tip. That even IKEA stocks these now is likely a sign that standing desks are on the rise.

Standing desk in lowest and highest position.

8 reactions on “Standing Desk

  1. That’s quite expensive for a desk, but not for such desk ! I was also toying with the idea, and imagining my cats as they spend hours on my desk and have each their own cushion !

    • It is indeed a significant amount of money. Primary reason for doing it anyway was the difference in height between me and my wife, as well as realizing there are different optimal standing heights for laptopwork and e.g. drawing, or e.g. arranging / categorizing post-its (output from workshop e.g.). So we see it more as a multipurpose work-surface than just standing desk.

      Turns out it is perfect for folding laundry as well 🙂

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