Had a pleasant dinner yesterday in Amsterdam, meeting up with Marc Canter, Yme Bosma, Christel Slijkerman, Don Hopkins and Riccardo Cambiassi, for one of Marc’s geek dinners. We were in the same dim sum place as last time.
Exchanged stories, and stuff we are working on. In the train over I tried to work out the notion I have that social software is about triangles. More on that later, but basically social software I think works because combines a person, a piece of microcontent serving as object of sociality, and some descriptive data into a triangle, and keeps those triangles alive on every level of aggregation. From each two you can explore the third. The great thing is that the descriptive data can be a piece of microcontent/object of sociality again as well, so you can start stacking these triangles: mashup is born.

Marc going native on a bike in the center of Amsterdam.

Afterwards Riccardo and I took a longish train ride (due to construction works) back home, where we will attend Lilia and Robert‘s wedding party Saturday night.

One reaction on “Amsterdam Geekdinner

  1. Microcontent en open standaarden nodig tegen informatieoverload

    Afgelopen vrijdag at ik een hapje met een groep interessante mensen, op initiatief van Marc Canter. Hij maakt zich al jaren sterk voor het toegankelijk maken van zgn. microcontent via open standaarden en interfaces. Een notie die altijd goed heeft…

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